500,000 Visits to the Archive and some highlights!

Yep – half a million people have viewed videos, listened to audio, browsed show programmes and looked at photos over the last 2 and a half years. I always knew that a certain interest level would be there for the archive site and eventually it might clock up to a couple of hundred thousand – but here we are on half a million views after a little over 30 months.

Most of the views are Ireland and Irish based but there is also some ex-pats abroad that check in regularly to see what is popping up.

There’s a heap more stuff to share and as always a million different plans – most of which will never see the light of day – but for now a huge thanks to the contributors and the people who check in every few days to see themselves when they were 20 years younger (or more!).

It’s become really apparent recently how important it is to continue to preserve all this material before it disappears into a recycling bin somewhere. It is amazing what a little community can achieve when it puts it’s mind to it with a little bit of work!

You will also notice now that not only can you find the archive on www.waterfordtheatrearchive.com, but now also on www.waterfordtheatre.com – and the site is completely mobile optimised for your smart phone and tablet viewing pleasure.

For the record here’s a few of the top videos from the last 2 and a half years you may have seen or may have missed. Thanks again, and here’s to one million views in a couple of years time!

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