New Website Design and Short List for the Blog awards!

As time was evolving I found that the site was starting to look and feel clunky and dated and mainly a bit cluttered – so I decided to clean it up a bit and give it a fresh lick of paint for the new 2018/19 theatre season. Naturally it took a couple of weeks to totally transition over – so I’ve been quiet for the last week or so.  But – all for the good, there is now a cleaner look to everything online and it’s future proofed for years to come!

Also I’m delighted to announce that the site has once again been shortlisted for the Irish Blog Awards – delighted to make the second round of judging regardless of whether it makes the final line up or not. Thanks to everyone again for your material and your support – 90% of the site content comes from yourself, and the feedback is great and appreciated when all the new stuff goes up over the weeks.


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